形意大师——尚云祥 Xingyi Master - Shang Yunxiang
作者:管理员    发布于:2013-11-16 20:58:28    文字:【】【】【











民国十四年 (1925年)天津王锦文等廿余人来京聘请尚云祥到天津设形意拳研究社。后改名振华武术社,教人甚多。

    尚云祥从天津回京后 ,又迁到北新桥十二条辛寺胡同一废弃的尼姑庵中居住。他耿直刚正,厌恶旧社会的虚伪应酬,更不满官场上尔虞我诈。他不辱武林气节,不应权贵们的高薪聘请。张之江主持南京国术馆时,请他任教,被他婉言谢绝。袁世凯、曹锟聘请他,亦不肯就。甘守清贫,以当教员和授徒为生。


    1931年受二十九路军军长宋哲元之邀,以形意五行刀技教练指战员。“七·七”事变后不久,二十九军军长宋哲元的警卫营长尚其英拜尚云祥为师,并聘他担任警卫营的武术教官,在全军中传“五行刀术”。二十九军的大刀片,在与日作战时大显神威。先战 “喜峰口”,再战“罗文谷”,激战南苑机场,痛杀日寇。



Xingyi Master - Shang Yunxiang

Shang Yunxiang, from Shandong Leling Shang Village, born in November 28, 1864, passed away in October 10, 1937, the founder of Shang Xing Yi Quan.

Shang Yunxiang first teacher was Li Cun-yi, then learnt from Guo Yunshen . He was very thin, but with superhuman perseverance and amazing spirit of hard practice, "big pole" "half-step collapse boxing" "Nita gas punch" and reputed martial arts combat martial arts, a master of Xing Yi Quan generation!"

Shang Yunxiang’s father was in Beijing on business when he was in childhood. He first learned the skill Fengtai Yi boxing six years, then follow Li Cun-yi as a teacher, learning Xingyiquan.

Shang Yunxiang was alone in the Gulou in Beijing for ten years to concentrate on practice, due to living in poverty, so practice barefoot bare back, although winter and summer, but without a little lazy." "A long time, the body turn out to be afraid of cold and heat. Bricks, stones, foot rub, becomes a powder if he use power on his feet, so send nicknamed iron pin Buddha.

Since the beginning of 1895, Mr. Li Cunyi were opened Yiyou Bodyguard office in Renqiu Muzhou, Peicheng Bodyguard office in Beijing and Wantong Bodyguard office in Baoding, presided over by the Shang Yunxiang.

Shang Yunxiang captured the famous thief named Kang Xiaoba.

In 1900, the eight countries coalition troops were very crazy to kill Chinese people. Shang Yunxiang participate with the teacher Li Cun-yi Boxer, fought in old Tianjin Railway Station. Apprehend by the Qing court after the same, both have to leave the bodyguard office. Li Cun-yi went to Shanxi, and Shang Yunxiang alone back home. Later Shang Yunxiang himself twice went to visit Shanxi Xing Yi, the harvest is also abundance. Because of his hard-working, combined differences between Shanxi and Hebei techniques into a Shang Xing Yi Quan.

Qing Dynasty (1909), Shang Yunxiang went to Beijing, united Liudian Chen, Geng Jishan, Zuwan Chang, Mr. Wang Junchen and founded Kungfu school. The school was opened for 3 years and taught many students.

In 1912, Mr. Li Cunyi founded in Tianjin “ China Kungfu society” set grind one hundred days, Shang Yunxiang was first one on the grind, and finally no one can beat him. From that time, he is very famous in Beijing and Tianjin, and whole China."

Shang Yunxiang is still learning very hard after he is very famous in China. His "half-step collapse boxing" was very famous, successful arts skills, but he never hurt people

Republic of fourteen years (1925) Tianjin Wang Jinwen asked Shang Yunxiang to come to Tianjing for Kunfu School and later changed the name to Zhenhua martial arts community. teaching many students.

Shangyun Xiang returned to Beijing from Tianjin, He hate the hypocrisy of the old society, entertainment and more dissatisfied with officialdom on intrigues. he refused Cao Kun hire him, also refused other officials.

1929 Nanjing Martial Arts Challenge Cup for the arbitration committee appointed Shang Yunxiang."

1937 (1937) Beijing Bureau of Social Affairs will host martial arts teacher workshops, Mr. Shang Yunxiang was a teacher.

Lunar month of October the same year, Mr. Shang Yunxiang passed away in Beijing at the age of 73!